
This page introduces the main test application Autom8-IT. The three software testing disciplines test analysis, test automation and test management have been integrated in this application.

Test analysis is a creative process and project activity. Test conditions are drawn and test scripts are developed based on requirements of the system to be tested. Autom8-IT assists in an automated way in the development of test scripts and improves the testing process using keyword driven technology.

More about keywords

Test automation

Autom8-IT accelerates the development of test scripts using keywords. After finishing the development of a test script it will be executed manually the first time. After several manual test cycles test automation becomes a demand, because:

elapse-time of all test scripts is too long, the human factor introduces infallibility

The structured keyword setup of the test script fits very well for test automation. Portable plug-ins, which can be easily connected to Autom8-IT, make a flying start of test automation projects possible.

More test automation

Autom8 plug-ins

  • Autom8-SAP: multi-language plug-in containing more than 300 automated portable SAP transactions

  • Autom8-SQL: generic plug-in to test databases

  • Autom8-Pay: plug-in to test financial systems and interfaces

  • Autom8-FTP: plug-in to test the FTP protocol

Autom8-IT test suite

Test applications